Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Mortality - Mans greatest gift!

Sitting back to wonder, it strikes so strange, what many claim a curse is such a precious gift. We have stories, movies, fairy tales and folk tales, of the immortals, or the ones seeking immortality. But ever wondered what makes every moment of ours really matter to us ? If there was no dead end waiting ahead, would we think about the moment as much, or the next as such ?!

Thinking of what all this mortality has lead us to create - aims, goals, celebrations, fascinations, diversity; and all these just a beginning of an endless list! What drives ones midn to set out goals? What pushes ones heart to achieve those aims ? If we dint have an end awaiting, would those fascinations live in us ? If the future was an endless road, would our thoughts probe as rigourously ?

A simple truth and a fact of life, not a secret, and known to all. To life, it does mean so much, but the realisation is still far from happening. So many things around us in this world. Some are cursed, and some are loved, so many are cherished, and held so dear. So many are feared, and many more are hated! Some of the most trivial things, some believe is a curse, some believe its "fate".Yet under a different light, its a gift that drives our life! How many of us actually sit down to ponder on such trivialities ? But one such realisation could make your outlook to life a whole lot different ! Afterall that is life !

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey! was reading something the other day that reminded me of your write-up on mortality, so thought i'd share it with you! it's a song from Shakespeare's 'Twelfth Night'-it's called 'Carpe Diem' and seems inspired by this very awareness of mortality:
"O mistress mine, where are you roaming?
O stay and hear, your true love's coming,
That can sing both high and low.
Trip no further, pretty sweeting:
Journeys end in lovers meeting,
Every wise man's son doth know.
What is love?'Tis not hereafter,
Present mirth hath present laughter:
What's to come is still unsure.
In delay there lies no plenty,
Then come kiss me , sweet and twenty:
Youth's a stuff will not endure."

Yep, mortality is definitely what makes one seize the day!